Thursday, January 23, 2014

Possible Writing Studies Research Topics

Picking a topic for a research paper always seems to be difficult.  The researcher always takes on a topic of interest without knowing if there will be enough information.  While it is the first week of school, I have narrowed it down to two topics.  I am very interested in writing and lately I have been very interested in the Holocaust after taking a class about it last fall.  I sat and thought about two topics that would reflect these intrests and finally found an answer.

The first topic which I like is the effect academic writing has on creative writing.  Recently, my academic career has revolved only around academic papers that involved no creative writing.  When I had to take a creative writing class as a requirement, I struggled to create short stories with my imagination because like almost all of my classes there were no strict guidelines.  I feel this topic strikes my interest so much because I have been a victim of it.

My second topic also strikes my interest a lot too.  Throughout grammar school and high school (K-12) there seems to be a lack of Holocaust teaching within the curriculum.  After experiencing an actual class on the Holocaust, I wish I would have known more information previously.  The class was an eye opener to what I have never learned.  It most definitely showed that in grammar school and high school students are only taught the bare minimum.  This calls for a great research topic I think.

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