Monday, February 3, 2014

Blog 3

Throughout the last two weeks of the spring semester, yes only around 2 weeks, we have learned many terms about language and analysis in class.  I have never gone into such details with these terms and I am glad I now have a better understanding and a much broader analysis vocabulary.  Here are just a few of many terms which I have learned in just two short weeks and four short classes:

Lexis (language) - the lexis is another word for language which is used in a particular group or community.  It is this language or lexis which separates the group from any other like them.  It is the level of language that is used.

Analysis - a detailed examination of an element or whole.  Analysis is picking things apart to interpret a broader or smaller meaning of a single picture, object, or term.  It is basically looking beyond what is right in front of the human eye.

Categories -groups that particular objects and items can be placed based on their characteristics.  This tends to come up a lot in analysis because the human mind is constantly comparing and contrasting pre-known knowledge with new knowledge.

Genre - characterized by form style or subject manner.  A genre is a type of category things can be placed into.

Cultural Knowledge - pre-concieved information, skills, beliefs, and value.  A great aspect in analysis when comparing and contrasting.

These a just a few of the many words that I have learned about language analysis.  As you can see, all the words go with one another and work with one another to create on complete thought, idea, or analysis.

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